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Volume 07, Issue 03: Stretch Out

Newness comes with stretching. It will be taxing on you. New possibilities and responsibilities will come your way, opportunities disguised as challenges. Look at the treasure underneath the trash.

The children of Israel in captivity were facing humiliating circumstances when Isaiah told them to rejoice, to enlarge their tents and strengthen their stakes. They must have thought the prophet was out of his mind. How could Isaiah expect them to rejoice under the circumstances?

Perhaps you are coming from a sloppy yesteryear and nothing is looking up yet. You could be facing the worst season of your life. Then you hear it’s a new season and wonder how? How could things possibly turn around?

Don’t limit the sovereign God who rules and reigns. When we say magnify the Lord, we are saying, ‘Lord, may your greatness come to bear in these circumstances. May your glory be seen in my situation’.

Get a new perspective of God; know whom you have believed. May God be magnified in your life, in your situation. May the glory of God come to bear in your situation this year. Allow the majesty of God to come to bear in your circumstances.

Don’t become a prisoner of your circumstances and your past. God is doing a new thing. Lazarus was dead and buried; Jesus told his sisters that ‘even now, if you believe, you will see the glory of God’.

Dare to believe. Your dreams may look dead and buried. But even now, if you believe, you will see the glory of God. God is able to do immeasurably more, above all you can think or imagine.

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 07, Issue 02: Make up Your Mind

I like the excitement of a new year, even more the beginning of a new season. This being a new season, it’s not business as usual. We’ve got to play the part.

Like every other new year, we want to do better. This new year it’s time to take flight. Don’t just make another set of new year resolutions; make up your mind to some stuff.

Don’t say you want to do something, do it for a few weeks and then quit, like you did last year, like you did the year before last. You say you want to spend more time with your family, get closer to God, get in shape, get a promotion at work, start your business, go back to school? Will you do what it takes to get what you want for a few weeks and then turn around and get distracted, eat like crap, lazy around, procrastinate, show up late at work day after day and do the bare minimum while there?

How long is it going to take to make the decision, to make the shift, and show some courage, show some character? Character is the ability to carry out a resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.

How long will you continue to live below who you were created to be? The greatest sin in life is to miss your mark, to not be who you were created to be. To be a chicken instead of an eagle. Don’t live and die a chicken when you were born an eagle.

Forget a new year resolution. Let’s make a new life resolution. To be fully and authentically you. Make up your mind to some stuff. Decide once and for all that eating right and keeping fit is your lifestyle. Set your mind and keep it set about aiming high in life. Kick timidity, mediocrity, laziness and procrastination out of your life for good.

Let’s step out of our comfort zones this new season. Fortune favours the bold. What do you really want? It is the cave that you fear that will hold the treasure that you desire. You have great opportunities in front of you right now. Don’t blow it.

It is time. It is time to go from mediocre to meteoric. It is time to go from being counted out to being counted on. It is time to fly like the eagle you are.

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 07, Issue 01: It’s a New Season

Happy New Year! I sense that this is not just another new year, it is a new season! Every year is what we make it out to be. What do you discern for yourself in 2017?

It is a new season. God is a God of new things. He loves new things. God’s favour, grace, and mercies are new every morning. He gives us a new heart when we turn to him; he enters into a new covenant with us. When we drop the ball, God ushers us into a new season, a new beginning, a new opportunity.

New is not the usual common thing. This is not just a new year with business as usual. This is a new season. God is ushering us into newness. It’s up to you to take this as a new season, or just another new year.

When God says he will do a new thing, he is referring to something more glorious, more grander, more spectacular, bigger and better than before. God is doing a new thing in 2017. Don’t remain stuck in 2016. It is a new season. Don’t get wrapped up with what God did last year, however amazing the year was for you. Great and glorious things are in-store for us in 2017.

Perhaps you were blown away by God’s goodness in 2016, it was a glorious year for you. But there are new frontiers to reach for. God wants us to go to the next level. He will do a new thing. It’s a new season. To experience the new thing God is doing in 2017, forget the former things. Forget the glories of 2016. God wants to do even glorious things in 2017. It is a new season of growth and fruitfulness. Don’t bask in the glories of 2016. Reach out to God for a new thing in 2017.

Perhaps you have nothing to write home about 2016. It was probably the sloppiest year ever as far as you are concerned. It’s time to leave it behind you and take on new hope for a grand turnaround. It is a new season. Don’t let the disappointments of yesteryear keep you from the possibilities of the new year. Great and glorious things are up for grabs in this new season.

Make the most of opportunities in 2017. “See, I do a new thing. Do you perceive it?” Discern what God is doing in 2017. Maximize the opportunities that God will bring your way this year. Take a step of faith, step out of your comfort zone. Position yourself. Participate. Get in agreement with God.

2017 is not just another new year, it’s a new season. God is ushering us into a new season. Lay down the experiences of 2016. Forget the former things. God is doing new things in 2017. Reach out for new dreams, new beginnings and new frontiers. It’s a new season. Don't be left out. Wake up and smell the roses.

Lillian Chebosi


Volume 06, Issue 28: Authority

If my life is no different from the next person’s, if I don’t have power to bring change into my situations, then what’s the point of being a believer?

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes up on you.

Power is force. Authority is the right to use power. You can receive all the power available, but if you do not know how to exercise the authority you have with that power, you will not see results.

The Jewish leaders appealed to Jesus on behalf of the Centurion based on his works. The Centurion countered their approach. He recognized the authority of Jesus, and appealed to that authority to have his slave healed.

When authority speaks, things happen. All the authority God gave to Jesus, he gave to us. Authority to trample on snakes and scorpions. Authority to overcome all the power of the enemy. Authority to defeat everything.

Authority is something we need to accomplish things. God has given us authority to live the Christian life. The Christian life is a victorious life. It’s not a wimpy defeated life. It is a life of victory; a life where we are not defeated by troubles and happenings. The Christian life is a life of overcoming, a life of conquering.

When a traffic police officer raises his hand on the road, the driver must stop. Not because of the officer, but the authority behind the officer.

A believer’s authority is based on the finished work of Jesus. It is not based on feelings or status. Every believer of Jesus has authority; authority to fulfil the purpose for which he called us. Authority to stand against Satan, and diseases, and all other things that mess with us.

The believer’s authority is given to prevent the enemy from coming in to steal, kill, and destroy. It is given to attack the works of the evil one. But because we don’t know what authority we have, the devil is calling the shots in some of our lives.

The believer’s authority is given to declare the message of Jesus with boldness. But most believers go about life quiet, their faith hidden and securely tucked away, not to be mentioned.

The believer’s authority is given to bind, and to lose. But we let wrong situations go on uninterrupted. We neglect the authority given to us to speak to bad situations and cause them to cease.

The believer’s authority is not for ‘name it and claim it’, it is given to bless people. Jesus has entrusted us with authority, but we keep going back to him to solve our problems. Jesus has vested authority in us to take charge over lack and sickness, yet many go unhealed.

The believer’s authority is meant for this place, here on earth. We need to walk in victory here and now. We need to be a blessing to people and do good here.

We are not helpless, and we are certainly not hopeless. May faith arise from the inside for us to realize that we are children of the King. To know that God has given us all authority we need to change our lives, and to impact other people’s lives.

May we arise above believers who ask God for this and that, and be true believers who exercise the authority already given to us. May we be Christians who exercise the believer’s authority, and live victorious Christian lives.

Don’t accept things as they are. Apply your believer’s authority. Is there a situation in your home that you need to speak to, maybe in your children, or in your office? Speak to situations in your life. Speak to situations in other people’s lives, and in the world.

Nothing shall be impossible for you, for I have given you authority to stumble on snakes and scorpions, and over the works of the enemy.

Are you sick and tired of something not right in your life? Rise up and speak with the authority God has given you. God has given us all that pertains to life and godliness. He has given us victory over every area of our lives. We have authority over what happens to us. We have authority over our lives. We have authority to effect change, and to do good.

But before we get there, why is it that many believers are unable to exercise their authority? Intimacy with God is where we get the confidence and courage to exercise authority. Our intimacy with God determines our level of authority. Jesus rose early in the morning to commune with the Father. Then he went into his day speaking the will of the Father, exercising authority over sickness, scarcity, sin, evil, and the devil; doing good.

Lillian Chebosi



Issue 06, Volume 27: Full-Time Happy

I recently realized that it’s a waste of life to stay upset and stressed when facing a challenge. When you know that God has a track record of making a way, you do not waste your life worrying about problems that show up once in a while, or even every now and then.

You must have realized in your own life that not every storm is on the forecast. Some problems just spring up on us unannounced, and sometimes undeserved. We therefore need to get ready, stay strong before the storm.

Make up your mind to be full-time happy. Decide that you will be happy in the storm and happy when the storm is over. That no matter what comes; you will keep your peace and stay happy.

It is okay to enjoy your life while you have a problem. You don’t have to wait for the problem to go away to be happy. After all, no amount of worrying or being unhappy has the power to solve your problem. Trusting in God gets the best results all the time.

What messes us up is the waiting, and sometimes the problem gets worse before it gets better. And we are tempted to doubt if God can really fix it. No matter how bad your problem gets, tell yourself and other doubting Thomas’s around you that God is working. It may not look like it, but God is at work in the situation.

I have had a loaded stretch at work this year with only short breaks here and there, and I thought I was going to enjoy myself when I finally get to take a long break at the end of the year. Then I realized that that’s not good enough for me. I need to enjoy the whole year, not just a fraction of it. I work hard, but I have to enjoy my life as I work, not wait to enjoy life only during rest times.

During this long school holiday in Kenya, my children have been counting down days to the day we leave for a family vacation sometime next month. I look at them and think to myself how terrible it would be for me if I actually waited for that day to enjoy myself. Then what would I do when that vacation period comes to an end, I wait for the next one? No, that’s not the way to live.

Don’t wait for the day you get a well deserved break to enjoy your life. That’s not good enough. Determine to enjoy every other day of your life, whether you are at work, at home, or at a lovely resort on vacation. Make up your mind to enjoy your life whether everything in your life is just the way you want it; or you are waiting for something to happen, a breakthrough, a miracle; or you are going through a challenge.

Jesus said that “I came that you may have life and have it to the full”. God wants us to enjoy life. This whole idea of being miserable while going through a problem is the devil’s idea to keep us away from what Jesus paid a price for us to have.

The Bible says “rejoice and again I say rejoice”. This stuff about rejoicing must be important for God to have said it twice on the same verse! He must have known that there would be many opportunities for us to lose our joy, hence repeated it to stress the point, commanding us to rejoice no matter what comes.

Additionally, it doesn’t say to rejoice only when things are good in your life. It says to rejoice always. There is so much strength in joy, it keeps us going. What we need more than anything else while going through something hard is the joy the Lord and the peace of God that surpasses understanding. And these are available for the taking for whosoever will.

Just because your child is unwell or your marriage is in trouble doesn’t mean you have to be miserable. There is no power in misery. Cast your care to the Lord and enjoy your life. You have no power to heal anything. Your being unhappy carries no magical power to change the situation. Do your part and trust God. Take your problem to the miracle worker and leave it there. He is faithful.

Worrying and fretting only sets you up for regret. God answers but you are not in a position to receive because you are bordering on doubt instead of faith. And if per chance you do not doubt but stay unhappy, you will feel wasted when the situation is resolved and you realize that God was working after all, you did not need to worry. What a waste of life! Be happy while you wait.

The next time you have a challenge, take it as an opportunity to see God work. Things always work out when we trust God, always. Chose to trust God even if nothing good comes out of it. Decide to be full-time happy; happy in the storm, and happy when the storm is over.

Lillian Chebosi