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Volume 01, Issue 35: You are a Lighthouse

The purpose of a lighthouse is to signal to ships out at sea that they are approaching the shore. Seeing the lighthouse signifies hope, a sense of relief; approaching the safety of the shore or a safe harbor.

You and what is inside you is like a lighthouse. The people having the challenges that you offer a solution for will see your lighthouse and come to you. When you position yourself and sharpen your skills, you will naturally attract those who need your craft.

Devote yourself to learn all you can in your area of brilliance and expertise. When you work on your craft, polish and hone it to perfection, the brighter it will shine and be seen much further and by many more people.

There’s need for focus and steadiness. If the lighthouse kept moving, it would not only be confusing but it would lose reliability and credibility. Don’t be everywhere. Stick to your craft. Work on your craft and understand the essence of what you are doing.

Quit trying to serve every ship out at sea, clients who are not perfect for you. Your brilliance is not targeted for everyone but a specific kind of people; and they are enough to keep you busy. There are people who are uniquely and specifically your clients because of the uniqueness of your craft.

The lighthouse does not go looking for boats and ships. It is the ships that look for the lighthouse. As you shine your light, your clients will find you just like that.

Lillian Chebosi




Volume 01, Issue 34: Brand Your Brilliance

Each of us is wired with a unique set of gifts and talents. These are the things that you do easily and effortlessly; what you ‘just know’ how to do. They are the clues to the genius in you. It is your brilliance, what you can be the best at.

If you haven’t already, take it upon yourself to recognize, acknowledge and make use of your brilliance, knowledge and expertise. We often fall into the trap of doubting the relevance of our gift. We imagine it’s too ordinary to be of any benefit to anyone. Yet greatness is found in the ordinary things of life.

Appreciate the rarity and value of your brilliance and expertise. It’s rare because there’s only one of you. Be yourself and bring out your originality and uniqueness; your peculiarity and passion. Others may already be doing something similar but you are the freshness people are looking for. Your brilliance is valuable because it solves a problem for someone. Every gift is a solution to someone’s problem.

We are often tempted to copy what others are doing; to emulate the way of doing things of those who have succeeded. But this is a lost chase. People are not looking for a copy of what is already there. People are looking for a fresh touch, a unique view. And each of us has that because there’s only one of each of us. If only we embraced our uniqueness.

Don’t be intimidated by the progress of those who have gone ahead of you in the area of your gifting. When you do your things your way, competition disappears. There are people who are uniquely and specifically your clients because of your uniqueness.

Be not moved by the negative opinions of those who knew you before you embraced your brilliance, and don’t see what the fuss is all about. After all, your brilliance is not targeted for everyone but a specific category of people, enough to keep you busy. Harness your brilliance to attract the perfect clients for you.

Lillian Chebosi





Volume 01, Issue 33: Build a Team

Do you find yourself trying to pursue your dreams single-handedly, thinking that you can pull them off all by yourself? The only dream that you may accomplish by yourself must be a really small dream. But why dare to dream if all you can dream is small? It does not take more effort to dream big than to dream small. So if you are going to step out and dream, dream big! This calls for an attitude of going for what you want, not what you think is possible.

Awaken the giant within you and dream big. Big dreams attract big people. Do what is necessary to create what you want. Make deliberate efforts for what you want. Once you get this rolling, invest in excellent relationships, relationships that will take you to where you want to go.

Greatness requires the support of others and valued teamwork. When we speak of greatness, it must refer to something bigger than we are and lives on after we are gone. It therefore requires more than just us to execute. One of our key roles is to inspire other like-minded people to the cause.

You must appreciate that you are not alone in what you are trying to accomplish and heed the urgency to build a team. Other people can help you do a better job than you would do single handedly. Identify them and begin to build vital relationships with them.

Lillian Chebosi




Volume 01, Issue 32: The Price for The Prize

As we observe the crowning of achievers, we admire their success and long to see ourselves receiving the tributes and being celebrated. What we fail to embrace is that they did not wake up one day and found success. They recognized their God-given abilities, worked their tails off to develop them into finely honed skills, and used these skills to accomplish their goals.

It is not the will to win that matters. It is the will to prepare to win that matters. What price are you willing to pay for your dreams? Acknowledge that anything worth attaining takes hard work, and then name your price. Choose what you are willing to give up, to go up.

Achievers pay a price for the prize. They apply their learning and make the difficult changes. It’s easy to receive knowledge and continue doing business as usual. Applying our learning takes us out of our comfort zone. If you wish to not just applaud others but be applauded as well, declare it time for business unusual. Do whatever it takes to develop your skills and exploit your potential.

Every achievement has a different price to pay. When you choose to go against the grain, you risk being misunderstood. Make up your mind from the onset that you will persist and outlast your opposition. Value excellence and observe the hard work involved. Develop your character alongside your competence, for they are both equally important. In the face of adversity in the pursuit of your dreams, determine to live out the words of Maya Angelou who wrote that you may encounter many defeats but you must not be defeated.

As you devote yourself to make a difference, don’t underestimate the power of unwavering diligence in achieving your goals. Work hard at what you do and embrace the discipline to stay in the process of what you want to be great at.

Lillian Chebosi




Volume 01, Issue 31: Pass on Your Learning

As I sit under great minds through books, conferences and other learning avenues, I am disciplining myself to take note of what I want to apply, what I want to change and what I want to teach. I figured there’s no point of interacting with life transforming information time and time again only to remain the same. It’s a waste of time. Whenever we pick a material to read, our main objective should be nothing short of learning something to change our lives. Change does not take place without effort. We must apply our learning for change to happen.

It is not enough to apply what we learn, we need to pass it on to others to clarify our learning and commit ourselves to change. When you pursue knowledge with the objective of teaching others, you work harder than when you learn just to benefit yourself. In the process, you get more out of your learning.

We learn better when we teach. When we learn with the intent of self-change and passing our learning to others, our concentration is enhanced and the propensity to apply our learning intensified.

As much as it’s done to benefit others, teaching profits the teacher. It clarifies your learning and commits you to change more than anything else. Teaching continually lifts the teacher to a higher level.

Since it is hypocritical to teach what you are not applying in your life, teaching keeps us accountable. Teaching what we know commits us to live out what we have learnt. The burden of being a credible example of the principles we promote accentuates as we teach.

Live with the awareness that you are here to add value to people. As you interact with people, let your attitude be to teach them something you know in order to help them come up higher.

Use your gifts and experience not just to accomplish your goals, but to help release a dream in someone else. Find something you are knowledgeable and passionate about and teach it to someone.


The beauty of knowledge is that you can give it away without losing it. In fact, the more you give away the more you gain. Joaquim Chisano, 2nd President of Mozambique.