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Volume 07, Issue 15: A Goal Everyday

I listened to something that resonates with what’s been on my mind. I like the way ideas we start thinking about get better and bigger by the day if we allow ourselves time to think deeper before implementing. I started thinking about doing a certain big project earlier this year. It is a very exciting project for me, something I am very passionate about, so I couldn’t wait to implement it. Looking back now, many months later, I am so grateful I didn’t have the resources to implement the project right away because time has expanded the project in my mind in great proportions.

It would have resulted in a huge loss to my sense of long term satisfaction if I had executed the project soon after I started thinking about it. The project has grown so much, I don’t mind waiting anymore, because when I finally implement, it’s going to be so fulfilling. This is the most exciting thing I have ever done. I am enjoying the wait as I revisit and fine tune the plans and details over and over.

Patience pays. Don’t be in a hurry to have your way, or get what you think you really want. Take your time to think through your plan even when you have all you need to implement it right away.

You only live once. Do what you feel passionate about. Some of the things we want to do are out of the ordinary and would probably raise eyebrows. But don’t be afraid to go outside the box, to think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to dream big.

As you dream, remember dreams without goals are just dreams. When I started thinking about my big project, my goals were and still are specific,  time-based, financial, realistic and around being considerate of the seasons the people around me are in.

Dreams without goals ultimately fuel disappointment. Have dreams, but have goals; life goals, yearly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, daily goals. Try to give yourself a goal every day.

Understand that to achieve your goals, you must apply discipline and consistency. You have to work at it every day. You have to plan every day. We don’t plan to fail. We fail to plan. Without a plan for my big project, it would remain a dream in my mind. That would be such a flop.

You may for instance have a goal for personal health and fitness and plan to achieve that through nutrition and exercise. You can be sure to not get very far in achieving that goal if you don’t discipline yourself around what you eat and when you exercise, and do it consistently. We achieve our dreams a day at a time.

Lillian Chebosi



#1 Guest 2017-09-22 14:16
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